Congrads on your exit...I am excited for you and look forward to hearing about new experiences and progress in your Journey!
I am going to bind some wounds, now.....
ok, other than my father, i don't miss anything about being a dub at all.
seriously, i love my life right now, its great, thinking for myself, doing what i want, etc., etc.. i've only been out 3 months, officially, and i find no "void" or anything.
i've got a bunch of great friends on the outside, that i had for years while being jw, and then i have my mother and all her family supporting me.
Congrads on your exit...I am excited for you and look forward to hearing about new experiences and progress in your Journey!
I am going to bind some wounds, now.....
ok, other than my father, i don't miss anything about being a dub at all.
seriously, i love my life right now, its great, thinking for myself, doing what i want, etc., etc.. i've only been out 3 months, officially, and i find no "void" or anything.
i've got a bunch of great friends on the outside, that i had for years while being jw, and then i have my mother and all her family supporting me.
So, I am "ignorant" and "weak minded?"
From now on you can say: "Those weak minded and ignorant people....JUST LIKE Vernon Williams...."
You have wounded me.....
think about this.. go way back...far far back in history.. go back before the internet.
go back farther.. go back before newspapers, tv and radio.. go waaaaay back before there was public education.. return to a time when there were no universities or libraries.. go even farther back in time and return to when it was thousands of years before any modern era.. people got their ideas from their families and neighbors period!.
everything was rumor.
I became a Christian because I believe the Story.
I stay a Christian because of the internal dynamic that confirms the Promise. I am not the same person I was four years ago. There is a continuing transformation of personality occurring that is note-able. The causation in external. The trasformation is internal. The manifestation is evident.
Those are the two reasons I am a Christian.
I do not spend a lot of time on the complexities of "theology." I do spend a lot of time focusing on not stealing my neighbor's chickens. avoiding the desire to embrace another woman not my wife (this is becomming a LOT easier in this Journey as a value my wife, greatly, and this "value of relationship" grows, daily), and being empathetic and loving in my interactions with all I meet. I have a simple approach to this whole "God thing."
Have you read "Mere Christianity" by CS Lewis?
Yours in this Journey,
think about this.. go way back...far far back in history.. go back before the internet.
go back farther.. go back before newspapers, tv and radio.. go waaaaay back before there was public education.. return to a time when there were no universities or libraries.. go even farther back in time and return to when it was thousands of years before any modern era.. people got their ideas from their families and neighbors period!.
everything was rumor.
G, G, G,
I am a Christian.
I believe the Story.
I trust the Promise.
I move toward the Nourishment in this Journey.
Here is a letter I wrote on Faith, I was going to post it on a new thread...stilll may answer a few of your questions:
We need to hesitate just a bit and look at a couple of thoughts.
First, and, I know this is odd for someone from our backgrounds....I
have not appealed to an examination of the Bible. I have not said:
"Let us look at verse such and such and see what it says about
Jesus...." Why? I guess the easiest answer is this: I am not a "Bible
Believing Christian" if what you mean is that I base my"belief" on the
Bible. I do not. I base by "belief" on the The Story and my
confidence in the truthfulness of the Story Tellers.
If Christians were to be called by any other name, I think the best
would be "The Tellers of The Story." The Story has been told
everywhere under every type of circumstance and to every type of
person. Miners share it underground, sailors on the sea, airtravelers
in the sky, in prisons and in open air, in cathedrals and saloons, in
mansions and mud huts, in war and peace, in famine and harvest.....on
and on. The Story is told and people accept it with the vigor of the
Story Teller, him or herself. Sometimes with no threat, other times in
great peril. Sometimes with a great change and, sometimes, with
a slight shift.
And, always, this "thing," this phenomenon occurs. We call it
"Faith." We value The Story to the extent that it becomes central to
our beings and lives. Now, Faith is a slippery noun that is hard to
define. I have been meditating on this for a bit and the thing about
Faith is it's uncertainty, it's fluid-like state. It is always in movement, it seems to me.
Faith is not certainty. It is not absolute. We can not state the
elements of Faith in the way we list multiplication tables or a "chart
of the elements." Faith is a thing in motion and requires the attention
we give to objects that move. Faith is a semi-truck not a football stadium.
The best explanation I can give of Faith is this: Faith is a
jousting match between two opposites: Doubt, un-knowing-ness on one hand and a
blend of common sense, good humor, and child like innocence on the
other. Doubt, the lack of knowledge, of provable facts is our constant
companion. We need something to overcome the results of doubt. Doubt
causes drift away from The Story. We are drawn back to The Story by
the other three. The resultant "tension" between these two with the
continued victory of the three elements in opposition to doubt is
An early Christian said "Faith is not the possession of all
men." He is right, I think. Most people spurn common sense due to self
interest or comfort. They consider the innocence of children better
left to little ones as it does not bring logic or profit to an adult.
And, they find it hard to look at themselves and smile at the
ridiculousness of a situation they are in or how they might look to
So, then, the Bible. The Bible is a "data" source. It is
information. And, it has it's place. But, as with all information,
it can be "used." You can argue with data, twist it, distort it,
manipulate it, question it. It is specific and fixed. It is this
exactness that makes it so usable: for the Story believers and
the Story critic: for those that want us to draw closer to the Promise
that follows the Story for our good. and, for those that want us
to drift away from The Story for their benefit as they feel more
justified and stabilized as they see the result of their criticism.
Am I belittling the Bible? Making it "less than?" No. I am saying
that, from the beginning it went like this:
Story (with the results of Faith).
Understanding the Promise.
Being nourished to the personal fulfillment of the Promise.
The Bible fits into the last portion. By placing it there as a means
of nourishment rather than a means of proof, it's value is enhanced
not de-valued in some way. We approach the Bible "in Faith" because of
it's association with The Story. But, our Faith proceeds the Scripture
as it came first.
To put it all another way:
If the Bible rests on our Faith it is upheld with an unmovable
conviction because we are, constantly, overcomming doubt in a dynamic,
ongoing manner due to this "tension" condition I mentioned, above.
If our Faith rests on the Bible, it is only as solid as the "best
argument" in support of or against the data.
Because I will take Faith over convincing arguement any day, I think
the three fold approach listed above is the best introduction. True,
it took four years to see this, however, it was a four year cost well
Next letter: The Promise.
Yours in this Journey,
think about this.. go way back...far far back in history.. go back before the internet.
go back farther.. go back before newspapers, tv and radio.. go waaaaay back before there was public education.. return to a time when there were no universities or libraries.. go even farther back in time and return to when it was thousands of years before any modern era.. people got their ideas from their families and neighbors period!.
everything was rumor.
Good post...well written.....logical.....
The cool thing about God: His patience with our limited intellect, level of perception, our over abundunce of self awareness in this cosmos, .....all that restricts and blurrs.
Give me a "popped" God over a cosmos guided by emptiness and guess, anytime.
Jesus: I believe the Story.
That makes me a gulible idiot, I reckon. It is a role and position I, readily, will submit to.
Sorta like Apostate: a true Badge of Honor.
Keep posting: you cause people to think and chanllange.
Yours in this Journey,
there are 3 current threads that say these very things.
(ok, the one about armageddon says it will come within days or weeks--not months--so that means june 2007.
seems to me this is whipping up into a paranoia bigger than the 1980s apostate scare, bigger than they've ever seen before.
Hey, stop, please, guys a scaaaawwwwwing me!
V PS Does this mean the twenty year old scotch they are putting in barrells, today, will only be drunk by Armageddon survivors....and, will New LIght allow them to toast?
i've been doing a major cleaning today, anything that hasn't been used or looked at for a while is getting tossed.
one of the biggest things that needs to go is all our jw books and bound volumes.
i've gotten rid of all the loose wt and awakes quite a while ago.. today when hubby came home from work, and saw the bags to go to the dump he was impressed!
I hear a flushing sound......
if you're unfortunate enough to have never read any of poppers or jamesthomas's posts, you're really and truly missing out.
it's not that they say anything all that astounding, it's more that they point out how very little has to be said.
it's not what they add, as much as what they allow you to drop.
yes, please, give an example....
if a new policy arose stating that everyone could return and start afresh, would you ever think about returning----especially if you had family and friends in that would now talk to you again?
I stared at your question for five minutes trying to get my mind around it.
Seriously, it is the most abstract question I have ever encountered.
I am trying to be a bit more empathetic in my comments as I realize there are a lot of "lurkers," here, and I don't know how to handle it.
OK, I'll be as kind as possible:
Would I go back to being a poly-bag in the shape of a human filled with every form of spirtual pus, fecal matter, vomit, and slime and having it dribble down my chin every time I opened my mouth to defend WT doctrine or practice?
Thank you for asking,
it's official; they read the letter tonight that puts forth the new procedure.
if you find an expelled person in the field or are studying with one, you are no longer permitted to give them lit.
presumably the elders make a decision if an expelled one is regularly attending meetings, but only they can give them lit.
My feelings are all hurt, now....
V PS: I think I will be better, tommorrow.